Free Verse

Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart. Show all posts

My Heart

My heart sears each time
my thoughts of you
 burn into my consciousness
Becoming aware there’s a part of me missing
Time balances’ itself with desire with growth
In between the seeds of longing are planted and
Fertilized with tears of wanting completeness


Love is the beginning and the end
Peace is accomplished with acceptance of knowing our true heart
Unity happens when we embrace one another for 
our uniqueness

War Inside of Me

See there’s a war going on inside of me
With my heart and mind wanting two different things
My heart is saying it wants love
My mind is telling me you’re just fine the way you are
Which one do I listen to?
A heart that’s been broken one time to many
Probably is bias by now
A mind that has struggled to make sense of the pain
Still the battle rages and the war is going strong
Heart and mind each one trying to define love and pain
Pain and love
Two strong emotions egotistical both wanting to win
In the war inside of me
Trust not the blind emotion
Forget not the transgressions
The pendulum is swinging in violent agitation
Mind, heart, which one are you going to abide by


War inside of me continues

When Love Comes Knocking

When love comes knocking at your door
 Waiting to capture you away in its arms
Will you peek through your peep hole?
To see who it is
Or will you take a leap of faith and
Open the door so love can walk in
Tango with your soul
Having your emotions tightly held in an embrace
Body and earth spinning out of control
Has your heart been stepped on one time too many
And the knock is representing your pain with each rhythmic sound
Taunting you daring you to open the door to your heart
So it can come in and take possession
Or do you take a chance and forgive, heal the hurt
Let love saunter on in to mesmerize you with passion
How many times does it take to get it right?
How many opportunities do we get to love again?
You ask yourself what if I get hurt once more and this
Dance ends like all the rest, leaving your heart heaving
Yet still unfulfilled
Debating on opening the door as the knock becomes louder
The vibration of the pounding matching the uncertainty of
Your heart beats
Let me in to love you as you should be loved
Echoes each cannonade tempo
When love knocks will you open the door?
Embrace your future
Or ignore it and live forever wondering…


They say confession is good for the soul
The one on the receiving end might not be so
Inclined to believe that line
Whose soul is it good for?
To lay your sins on someone’s shoulder
To bear your shame and transport
It around with them
Innocent ears have to hear betrayal
Eyes gaze deep into the face of evil
Remorse doesn’t pay the for the debt created
Now the valley walked through is more
Perfidious thorns and rotting roses
Great you with sadness and bewilderment
My how selfish you are to bare your soul
At my damn door
Anger is only now beginning to make its rest
Upon my heart that has endured way too much shit
How dare you invite me in to your turpitude?
Now I feel dirty like I was the one to cross
That threshold of iniquity
Scrub my skin till it’s raw
I can still smell the deceit and treachery
The stench lingers in my nostrils
Lies, lies, lies,
Confession for the soul is good
Just keep your damn secret take it to your
Grave and inconvenience me no more
With confessions

Heaven Sings

She closes her eyes listen to the wind
The song it sings only her heart
Can interpret
Each note is a reflection
Melodious interlude to peace
Quiet reminiscing settles a
Restless soul
Sweet air brushes against
Falling tears mingle with
The whisper of love passing by
She opens herself up
Breathing in a new tempo
Rhythm changes stanza
Inhaling the fragrance of new beginnings
Silently letting yesterday fade away
Heavens breath reaches inside a
Crumbling heart
Breathing in a new song
Giving life to hope
In her heaven sings
Heaven sings
Heaven sings…


  Juxtapose hearts
Answers rhythm
 Nocturnal spirits
Unearth desires
    Analytical visions
   Release emotions
   Yearning to fulfill

The Unknown

I can’t discipline the forces that
Lurk seeking to devour happiness
To stop my soul from soaring
My mind to create
My spirit from breathing
My heart from loving
If granted all that would be
Left is an empty shell
Of what use to be

The Other Woman

She knocked at the door standing there big as life
Looked into the eyes of her competition
Smiled sweetly knowing the sins she committed
Would soon be answered
Hands on her ample hips
Her lips dripping with revulsion
Singing a song of the love for this man
Tears begin to run rivers down her face
Pleading for his release
Begging so earnestly
Passionate speech came forth out of desperation
Her love for him was her poison
Held prisoner she kept him safely tucked
Away in her heart
She continued to implore, “Let him go he’s not yours
Staring back into her eyes only emotion
To surface was sorrow
“Look lady you’re the fifth one today to stop by
Apparently he’s not yours either”
With that the door was slammed in her face
A few minutes later came another knock
Different woman same scenario

Hell Hath No Fury

You haven’t seen anything until
A woman’s heart has been f*cked with
Lightening, hail, windstorm
Are nothing compared to the
Anger in a woman who’s been
F*cked over onetime too many
Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes
Are destructive f*ck with a woman’s
Emotions and get dusted
Tornadoes violently destroy what ever
Comes into its path
A woman’s heart is no match
For the devastation
She possesses more power than
The combined anger of nature
Hell hath no fury of a woman’s heart
That’s been stepped on
Watch the sky a storm is on the horizon!!!