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Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Three Daddy Syndrome

She gave her love to this man laid in his bed
Nine months later she cradled her joy in her hands
Ten months later he was know where to be found
On to number two who was no better than number one
Showered her with promises
Then reneged by raining blows across her
Swollen stomach
You’d think she learned from her mistakes with
Two babies one hanging onto her legs
And the other swaddled in her arms
Being a romantic and always looking for the
Best in everyone in strolled baby daddy number three
Cool as cucumber didn’t even bother with all that
Phony bullshit just went for what he wanted
And it wasn’t her good cooking
Before she could blink the doctor was congratulating her
On baby number three
But in the back of his mind he was wondering
How she could have fallen for the three daddy syndrome

Jaded Love

Love is a complicated emotion
Betrayal defines the intricate lines
Between love and hate
Jaded perceptions of
What love is supposed to mean
Should mean, could mean
Loses its definition
And clarity becomes blurred
With right and wrong
Byzantine inclinations lure away
Innocence trapping it in defiled
Annotations of excuses


  Juxtapose hearts
Answers rhythm
 Nocturnal spirits
Unearth desires
    Analytical visions
   Release emotions
   Yearning to fulfill

Caught in the Cross Fire

Camouflage in a war of desire
A love triangle
United in hearts battle
Glorified victory of soul of love
Honor belongs to no one
Trenches can’t conceal deceit

Inglorious esteem breathes contempt
Noble pride reaps sin

Tempestuous passions erupt
Hedonistic sojourns grief of dying love
Evoking a pledge of allegiance

Careless loyalty abandons hope
Resurrect a grave of loneliness
Obituary of lies fall from lips
Self- indulgent remorse
Shadows forgiveness

Freedom sounds for whom
Illicit acts caught in a moment of time
Revile intelligence of common sense
Eons of casualty of heart lie in a vacant field
            Caught in the cross fire


Changing colors
Leaves fallen to the ground
Sound of wind so smooth
Coldness seeps within
Eyes beholding the beauty
The sky unabashed in maturity
Frozen tear drops
Blanket of white covers naked earth
Smoke bellow from a lonely chimney stack
Inside fire roars in the hearth
Warm and contented some are
The rest look for and not get
Delicious aromas fill the air
Hungry bellies growl in the distance
Wishing for a place to call home
Night falls
Another November day has come to an end