Free Verse

Catch Me I'm Falling

Life is a mystery
I can't solve
full of secrets
answers elude me
questions keep circling
like Vultures picking
at my bones
success keeps running from me
failure I can catch easily
please the world
please no one
whose to say my destiny
isnt' for greatness
free me
release my soul
Catch me I'm falling
spiraling out of control
making wishes
that never come true
dreams turn into
close my eyes I disappear
open them again
the image screams
back at me
Catch me I'm falling
where will I land
is there going to be someone
there to pick up the pieces
that use to be me
put me back together
this time make sure
all the pieces fit
Catch me I'm falling
save me
love me
tell me I'm beautiful
heal me
complete me
don't abuse what's been
given to you
Let my spirit soar
Catch me I'm falling